Are you a person who loves a luxurious soothing soak in the tub? I am. When I am in the tub I love the warm steamy feeling in the bathroom. With the gentle scents of essential oils. Yes, I am a candle person with head neck rest, usually a towel. I always thought I might get a little blow-up headrest. I don’t like it when the towel gets wet. When you move around and the towel goes into the water. I never found a really good solution. Nothing is worst for me, my head hurting from laying against the wall while I’m relaxing in the tub! Sometimes I like music other times not, just depends on mama’s mood. Let me know your tips and tricks. One of my tricks is of course using Epsom salts soaked with 100% therapeutic essential oils. Lavender is the go-to one that I use a lot, I experiment with the oils, I decide which one at my bath time or before. Just depends on how much I’m thinking about it. Love my bath. I like anything homemade like bath bombs. I use my own 100% therapeutic oils from Young Living of course. They sell one that is excellent,

Making anything homemade Let’s my creative side have fun making those things. I like Bulk Apothecary to buy my ingredients from.

I’ve always have wanted to put a lady foot slipper tub in my spa and offer hydro-therapy. It’s the perfect size for any lady. I am always looking for that perfect tube. That’s the one! It’s been nice chatting with you. Tell me about some of your favorite bath time things. I love getting inspired to incorporate new ideas.